ちょっと前までは、シルキーと遊ぶ気がしなかったのに、ここ数日、とっても元気やねん。 |
Silky and I played a lot in the morning. I hadn’t felt like playing with Silky for a while but recently I’ve been chirpy and running around is very exciting! Is it because my tiny legs are getting better?
走り回るのがすっごい楽しいし、これって足が良くなってきてるんかな? |
遊びまくってオモチャが散らばってる~ |
Silky went to the park and she was as noisy as usual and ran around a lot.
シルキーはいつもの通り公園で吠えまくり、走りまくり、 |
ボールで遊び、元気ハツラツ! |
Soon after Silky and mummy came back, mummy took me to the Focus park. Then again I felt very contented as though lots of happy words were flying around me.
シルキーの散歩の後はCOCOのショートウォーク。 何だか本当に幸せ気分でハッピーな言葉が周りを飛んでる感じやねん。 |
When mummy and I came back Silky went outside for poo. And oh my woof...it wasn’t good. She is having a bad tummy for the first time since she came to this household.
20分程で帰ってきたら、シルキーが外に出ておトイレ。 これが・・・ |
Mummy took her to the bathroom and washed her bottom. Mummy said that Silky was very good. She lifted her tail up and let mummy rinse her bottom.
「わたちのお腹、どうなったのぉ?」 下痢なんです!でもとっても良い子で、お風呂に連れて行ったら シッポをピンとあげてお尻をあらわせてくれました。 |
Mummy and I are wondering why. What could be the reason for Silky to have a bad tummy.
変わった物を食べたとは思わないので、もしかしてキッチンで レタス、人参、キュウリ等々をあげすぎちゃったのかな・・・ でもこのキラキラオメメで「ちょうだい~」って見つめられるとついつい。 |
Mummy cannot think that she ate anything strange. One thing mummy can think of is that Silky might have had too much salad thing in the kitchen. She loves salad and because her tummy is much tougher than mine, mummy let her eat pieces of carrot, lettuce or cucumber. Mummy says it is difficult to ignore her twinkling eyes looking up her pleading for salad. Tut tut tut...
Mummy, she is still a puppy girl so you have to be careful.
Silky looks OK but she did another small runny poo. Now she is resting on her chair (since when?).
Silky, my tummy is extremely sensitive so I know how you feel.
まだパピーなんだから気をつけなくては・・・反省。 COCO「私のお腹は超弱いから、気持ちはよー分かるよ、シルキー」 ダディが帰ってくるまでに部屋を片付けてね、COCO! (COCOは自分でオモチャを片付けられまーす。) |
“What a messy room it is!! Toys everywhere!!” This is what daddy always says to me. I have to tidy before daddy gets home.
sure hope silky gets better soon so the two of you can run around and play!
ReplyDeleteI sure love your blog. Its so cute and it makes me happy when I am having a bad day. Thanks Coco.