
Monday 22 November 2010

Busy weekend.

I went for longer walkies today so I was  satisfied.  After walkies we went in the garden to pick some Rosemary.  Suddenly mummy started to replant the tulip bulbs from a pot to the flower bed so I had to wait.  Boring, boring...Hmmm? What is in the pot?  It is moving.  Let’s poke it.  Mummy was surprised when she saw me poking the soil in the pot with my nose.  She stopped me and explained it was an earth worm.  Strange creature isn’t it?

Anyway, I should explain about my vet visit on Saturday, shouldn’t I?
The nice lady vet examined my leg.  She stretched and folded my leg very gently and carefully.  Her touch was so nice and comfortable that I could hardly open my eyes.  She said my leg was OK now but still I should walk on the lead another 7 days and then I can gradually start running in the park.  Yeah!!!! I can not wait!!
The lady vet was very gentle and kind but this time she didn't give me any tiny round sweeties because I didn’t need them anymore.


After visiting the vet , I met a puppy.  Was it a sheltie?  I saw Katy the sheltie puppy in the park a while ago.  She was too lively and I didn’t like her attitude very much.  Mummy and daddy said this one was also a puppy but she was smaller than Katy, but still  I was a bit shy.  Also there were many doggies there which looked like me and I didn’t know what to do. They were all gentle and friendly but I am not used to playing with many doggies, you see.  I thought I might say hello to the little puppy but it was time for us to leave because mummy had to cook something for the party next day.
Will I meet the puppy and others again, daddy?  I might try a harder bit next time.

On Sunday, we went to nanny Joan’s birthday party.  There were about 40 people and mummy and daddy took me in the hall.  I knew many of nanny Joan’s family and friends so I said hello to everyone.  It was very exciting to see all those people at one time!!  I didn’t need mummy and daddy’s protection there.  I just wandered around and greeted everyone.  Mummy and daddy said they didn’t understand why I was so happy to see many people, though I was shy and hiding when I met many shelties the day before.
When the party ended some people came to me to say good-bye.  Mummy said she was very happy to see that because she could see many people really loved me.


I am not very good with doggies and I don’t know why.  For me human beings are something different.  I just love them.  Most of the time I become friends with other doggies after a while.  I think I am quite a shy doggie and need more time than average.  But hey,  If you meet stranger who is too friendly from start wouldn’t you feel a bit worried or even scared?
Also, I cannot be friends with some doggies.  But I think this is the same thing for humans too.  You have some unfavourite types of people don’t you, mummy and daddy?
Life is complicated sometimes.


  1. I can relate to you, Coco. It takes me a while to get along with other doggies too. They just don't understand us Shelties so I am always wary until we get to know each other. Boy dogs especially get kinda pushy with me so I have to put them in their place and tell them to mind their manners. Glad you're feeling better. I have arthritis in one of my front legs and I sometimes limp but my Daddy gives me doggie glucosamine which helps a bit.

  2. I don't really have a problem with other dogs. I will tolerate being around them but I'm not overly social. Humans on the other hand......love them. Glad to hear that you will be able to run shortly. I also take glucosamine since my hip surgery and I think it has helped me too.

  3. You had a very busy weekend! I am glad you got good news from your vet and can soon be back to running and playing!

    I am not a fan of other dogs either - I am not mean but I prefer humans!

  4. Jenny the Sheltie23 November 2010 at 02:51

    I am not that crazy about other dogs either. I have 2 sister pups and that is enough dog interaction for me. One is a doxie and she is my best friend. My other sister is a older sheltie (12) and she just mostly sleeps all the time. I prefer humans... they have treats!!

  5. Hello there Coco!

    We hope that your leg gets better soon. Your puppy sheltie pal is so cute too.

    Have a great week ahead of you.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

  6. What a busy but lovely weekend you had! Glad to hear that the vet visit was a good one and you were okay. The puppy that you met was so cute too. Wow! You were invited to a party too and had some yummy food, you're a lucky girl, Coco.

  7. Hello everyone, Thank you for your concern.My leg is much better and I haven't limped for more than 3 weeks. I still have to take it slowly for another week but I will be able to run about soon.

  8. ココちゃん
     そっちは寒いんですねー。散歩も大変ね!!おみ足は大丈夫でしょうか?お大事になさって。  かよこ

  9. かよこさーん!今日は雪ですよ。足はもう殆ど大丈夫ですが、今度は雪で足裏がチト冷たいです。かよこさんのケーキが食べたい・・・と、マミーが呟いています。
