
Thursday, 16 December 2010

There's somebody in my bed.

This morning Silky and I played tug after daddy left home.  When I play tug with mummy or daddy I am quite strong but today I always let Silky win because she is only a baby.  But it wasn’t very fun to be beaten every time so I got reluctant soon but then mummy joined us and I liked it.
When Silky had enough she ran to my bed and jumped in. 
I wanted to have a nice nap-nap too but if she was there what could I do?  I didn’t know what to do so I lay down beside my bed.  Mummy told me to join her because it was my bed and I didn’t have to hand up my right to the bed.
So I went in and lay down in the bed.  When mummy was near me I felt OK but once mummy left me I didn’t feel comfortable in the bed with Silky, besides Silky tossed and turned in her sleep.  I love sleeping with mummy and daddy but I am not used to sleeping with Silky am I.  Mummy understood me and she moved Silky to her bed.
It has been raining today so mummy took me around the block for a short walk.  When we got home Silky was half asleep but she got excited soon, so we played again.  This time each of us played with mummy so I think mummy is quite tired now.  When Silky got tired she went to my bed again.  Mummy put me in the bed too but well...I cannot do this yet.  Mummy told me to stay in my bed and took Silky to her crate.  But she came out and now she is sleeping in my second bed downstairs which is under the coffee table.
Silky loves most of my toys.  I showed her my small pink octopus last night and she fell in love with it.  I have a big pink octopus too so I suppose she can have it.
Daddy, please tell mummy to get more toys when she goes to Japan.


  1. You and Silky wore mommy out today, huh?

  2. Oh typical younger sibling, wants to be just like the big sister! I guess you have to put her in her place,and show her who's queen of the bed.

  3. Typical they always want they toy big sis has (from Khandi, Ellie's big sis!) Great pics! You look so at home Silky :)

  4. It sounds like Silky wants to snuggle with you, Coco! How sweet.

  5. Sounds like Silky really loves your beds! Why don't you ask daddy to buy her her own bed too?
    How sweet of you to share your bed with Silky! She needs a generous older sister like you!

  6. 我が家の先代犬COCOちゃんと、2代目JIN君も半分位血統書でみたら同じなんですよ!半年違いだったのでもし一緒に居たら仲良く出来たでしょうね。パピーの時期はあっと言う間に過ぎてしまいますがその時しか見れない可愛さが有りますよね。いつのまにか、JIN君もクリスマスが来れば3歳ですがパピーの頃思い出しちゃいました!でも先代犬の写真は山ほどあるのにパピーJIN君は数枚しか残っていません。先代を亡くした心の痛みの大きさだって事でJIN君許してね・・・

  7. JINパパさん 

  8. Seems like you are learning how to be a really good big sister to Silky! Good girl, Coco!
