
Sunday, 9 January 2011

An interview with Silky

Silky has been here for 4 weeks today so I decided to interview her, and then as her big sister I might find out if there are any problems to solve or a few things to sort out for Silky.
Coco: Well Silky, you’ve been here for a month today haven’t you?  Have you settled in?
Silky: I think I’ve been doing OK.  At first I was a bit lonely but now I have you to play with, mummy to talk and daddy to lick.
Coco: What do you think is the difficult things to learn as a puppy?
Silky: It was easy to learn where to sleep, eat and play, but sometimes I am confused about the toilet thing.
Coco: Why is that?
Silky: Well, mummy wants me to do pee and poo outside now and she is very good at finding out if I want to go or not. Daddy is fairly good too.
When I cannot go outside I use my pee-pee pad and there is always some newspaper.  I was taught to do pee and poo on the newspaper when I was a very little puppy girl. The confusing thing is that today after my late afternoon nap-nap mummy asked me if I wanted to go to toilet.  I was thinking because I was just awake so really didn’t know if I wanted to or not.  Then I walked around the living room a bit and I spotted a newspaper on the carpet.  I wandered towards it and I heard mummy say “You shouldn’t put your paper on the....” to daddy.  It was the moment I squatted on the paper and did my business.  Mummy and daddy weren’t happy about me having done pee on there but  daddy should not have left todays newspaper on the floor should he.  They didn’t tell me off but I felt guilty.
Coco: Well, I was watching that incident and it was daddy’s fault wasn’t it?  So don’t worry about it. 
Coco: I heard you had been to the puppy class today.  How was it?
Silky: It was OK. There were 4 puppies including me.  They were playing together and I should have joined them but I was a bit shy.
Coco: I can understand that.  I was like that too.  But I became more confident by the time the course ended so you will be fine. Was there anything else?
Silky: In the car I puked twice and it was hard.
Coco: I can understand that too.  When I was a little puppy girl I had the same problem.  It will go in time so then again you shouldn’t worry about it too much even though it isn’t nice. I think daddy drives a bit too fast round those roundabouts on purpose you know.
Coco: You’ve been to the park and run off the lead.  Do you like it?
Silky: Yeah!! That is great!! I like running around with you, Coco.  When some big doggies chased me I was terrified, though.
ルンルンルン、ランランラン ♪♪♪
Coco: I know...to be honest I am not in the good position to advice about it. Mummy will take you and me before lunch time and there are normally small doggies and they are all nice and friendly. So you can start from there.
Coco: So, over all, do you think you are happy here with us? Is there anything you want to ask us to change?
Silky: Yes, I am quite happy here.  You are good sister but if it is possible can you stop being jealous?  When you are, you are very scary.  Daddy is soft and gentle but I want more attention from him. Mummy is OK, but she is too scary when she tells me off.  I am still a little puppy girl so I want her to be a little bit more gentle to me. 
 Coco: OK then, thank you for speaking to me, Silky.


  1. Wow how time flies! Good to hear that you've settled in with tlc family :)

  2. お外で見るシルクちゃんは凄く立派ですね。あっと言う間に成長しましたね。姉妹での散歩はまた今迄と違って楽しそうです。三本足体勢のCOCOちゃん・・・ランナーのスタートみたいで気合十分で可愛いですよ。

  3. シルキーちゃんもココちゃんに似て毛並みがとっても綺麗だね。それにまだ子犬なのにとっても落ち着いてるし。




  4. Coco, you did a fantastic interview. You are indeed a very good caring big sister. Your little sister Silky is such a big girl now, she has grown so much and she is a beauty like you too.
    It is great to hear that she is going to puppy class too. I'm so sorry that she puked twice in the car, hope she is okay by now.

  5. ココちゃん3本足で戦闘態勢なんですか!?


  6. barbara walters has nothing on you coco...great interview. coco...what do the japanese comments say?

  7. Hello Suesue, the Japanese comments say 'Silky is pretty', 'Coco and Silky seem to enjoy their play fighting', 'having 2 dogs is good' and everyone likes Coco's photo where she is standing on 3 legs.

  8. I agree with all those comments! Thank you for translating...you are not only pretty but very smart too.
