
Monday, 14 March 2011

Our lovely weekend.

We had a pleasant weekend.
On Saturday morning, it was daddy’s turn to walk us first in the morning.  Daddy let Silky out of the kitchen and she ran upstairs to see mummy who was still in the bed.  She jumped on the bed and said “Good morning, mummy!!!”.  Awww... she loves mummy doesn’t she?  However, she did not only greet to mummy but also did a pee on the quilt. Mummy and daddy decided to buy a new quilt that day and they are pleased they did because the new quilt is nice and fluffy. We decided to test the quilt.


On Sunday we all went to Virginia Water and had a long relaxing walkies.
When we came to the pond we saw a black Labrador jumping in the water.  He swam back to the shore and his owner threw a ball for him so he jumped in again.  There were two huge swans and many ducks in the pond too.  The Labrador swam quite near a swan when he swam back to the shore and the swan started to attack him. The Labrador looked to be struggling in the water but he came back OK. 
Phew...swans are scary aren’t they?


Anyway I was not going to jump in the water and was enjoying my walk.  However, Silky was interested in the pond.  Mummy and daddy called her but she was watching the water intently.  Mummy and daddy’s voice became louder and louder but Silky didn’t care and dived in the water.


We couldn’t believe what happened.  Silky completely sank under the water one moment, then appeared on the surface the next moment and started swimming off very smoothly.  Mummy and daddy called out for  her because there was a Swan ahead of her.  To their relief she changed direction and came back to us.  Mummy and daddy were very shocked at first but when Silky came back they were happy and very glad to know that Silky was a very good swimmer.
On our way back daddy saw the board by the pond saying “doggies not allowed to swim in the pond”.  Woops!!  But mummy and daddy didn’t allow Silky did they?


We are very fortunate to be able to have usual weekend like this and very grateful that all of mummy’s family in Japan are safe now. We hope there won’t be anymore damage and loss, and we hope all affected people can have enough food and water, and also warm place to sleep.

I found this photo on the Internet.
I hope this Sheltie is safe with his daddy.  Unfortunately, not many shelters allow you to take your pet so many people had to leave them behind.  I cannot imagine how scary it would be to be separated from mummy and daddy in such a disastrous situation.  I hear that some animal rescue teams have started to move to save pets.  Please save as many as possible, and I am praying for them to be safe and to be able to see their mummy and daddy soon.


  1. Oh Silky surely got her love for water from the Knight's shelties.

    I clicked on the photo of the sheltie in Japan. I hope all the dogs are safe and with their families soon.

  2. Silky looks like a little sheltie llama when she is wet haha. Glad your family in Japan is safe. The sheltie picture in Japan is bittersweet. Take care...

  3. 何度見ても、シルクちゃんのかわうそみたいな姿が笑えますね。呆れ顔のCOCOちゃんと、びしょ濡れでもすましてるシルクちゃんが可愛くって・・・

  4. Jinパパさん
