
Friday, 25 March 2011

Scary doggies.


In the park we met Mr Poppy 2 and he stroked me a lot.  Mummy was talking about my behaviour because I had snapped at a Westie earlier. Mr Poppy 2 said his Poppy didn’t like some doggies either.  I don’t mind Poppy though.  She is a young Husky but I’ve never felt like snapping at her, except only once when she suddenly punched into my nose.
仲良し? シルキーとデイジー
After we said bye-bye to Mr Poppy 2, we met Mr Rose.  He said that he had found a doggie name tag yesterday.  He phoned the number on it and a woman answered saying that her doggie was attacked by a Staffy yesterday in the park and the name tag was lost when it happened.  The Staffy’s owner was very nasty man and said that it was her fault, and he kicked her dog!!  He also called her “C-word”.  He looked like in his forties and his Staffy’s name was Max.  The man was with a woman who was just terrified to see the incident.  What sort of woman was she?  Being with such a nasty and stupid looser!!  Some people saw the incident and it seemed that nobody had never seen him in the park before.  Poor doggie’s owner called the police and they said they would find him.  Put him in jail with vicious doggies!!
昨日、あるワンちゃんがスタフィーに攻撃されたんだって。 怖い・・・
When we were walking in the smaller park we saw two staffys and young boys on the bridge.  Suddenly Mr Rose laughed and said “Oh look!!  Staffies again!!” and asked them “Are they friendly? What are their names? ” with a broad smile on his face.  Young boys were saying “Yeah, they are...” and at the same time those two doggies growled and barked at us very violently, pulling their lead.  Mr Rose still laughing said “Ah, not really friendly are they?.  Bye-bye!!”.   The boys were smiling too but I was very surprised at their loud barking so I forgot to move until mummy called my name. 
Anyway neither of those Staffies were “Max”.
COCOはデイジーが苦手 でもシルキーは気が合うみたい?
Recently Daisy and Silky were getting on quite well.  Daisy is much bigger than Silky so when she tries to play with Silky she doesn’t really like it but they often walk, chase and sniff together, leaving me behind.


  1. what a day. yesterday shelly played with her friend, rocky. they got along well bc usually shelly gets very excited with other doggies. rocky's owner is going to teach shelly how to play soccer! that sounds like fun!

  2. お散歩していて怖いワンコに会うと緊張しますよね。私も公園をお散歩していて、ワンコがノーリードで全速力でこっちに走ってくるという場面に、2回遭遇しました。1回は単に遊びに来ただけのフレンドリーな子だったんだけど、もう1回はビーグルがゆきに噛み付いてきたんです。大事には至らなかったのと、飼い主さんがちゃんとした方ですぐに追いかけて捕まえて叱ってくれて、後でまた会った時にちゃんとその子を座らせて謝ってくれましたので、よかったけどね。

  3. スタフィーってブルテリアの仲間みたいなわんこですよね。筋肉質のちょっといかついわんこ・・・あんなのに襲われたらこわそうですね。COCOちゃんも気を付けないとね。シルクちゃんは大きなお友達と余裕で楽しんでますよね・・・COCOちゃんは苦手なのにね。

  4. はなママさん

  5. JINパパさん
