
Sunday 3 April 2011

Miracle cure

The weather has been very pleasant this weekend.  My eyes and tummy are better now so daddy took us to my favourite Windsor park by car on Saturday.
Silky gets sick in the car so mummy doesn’t feed her before the drive and she also tried “Anxiety relief drops", but still she dribbles a lot.  Even for a 5 minutes drive she starts dribbling.  However, we found a splendid miracle cure which is “squeezy cheese”!!

Silky didn’t want to go near daddy’s car so mummy showed her the squeezy cheese.  Silky loves it so she followed the cheese, but she knew the car  was ahead of her so she stopped, but she wanted cheese so she moved forward...she repeated this and got in the car. Mummy and daddy thought this cheese might distract her so let her lick the rim of the tube during the journey.
Surprise, surprise!!  The tube was almost empty so Silky could hardly eat any of it but she kept licking the rim like a baby’s dummy and she didn't throw up or didn’t dribble at all!
We got to Windsor park and Silky and I did a lot of modelling for daddy.  I felt very elegant when I sat in the middle  of or in front of beautiful flowers, but daddy, why do you always tell us to sit on the tree stumps anywhere and anytime when you see them?  It is OK, I don’t mind doing it.  Just wondered...
On Sunday we went to our usual park by car.  Again Silky licked her squeezy cheese dummy so she didn’t dribble at all, completely dry!!  Hooray!!
We ran a lot, barked loudly and chased squirrels together.  Silky is very sociable with doggies so every time she saw other doggies she went up to them and said hello.  Hmmm...I cannot do that, daddy, but I can do that with people in a very polite and entertaining way.


Silky is 24 weeks old today.  She is a mummy’s girl at the moment but in a few months time she will be a daddy’s girl too won’t she?
シルキー24週 今はマミーっこ。そのうちダディの方が良くなっちゃうんよね・・・。
She is still a little puppy girl so she can sit on mummy’s lap in the car, although it use to be my special seat and in a few months time I will get it back.  However, as a big sister I shouldn’t do such a cruel thing to Silky should I?  What should I do???  Can Silky and I both sit on mummy’s lap?  Or can I sit on your lap, daddy?  Or the passenger seat?  I will be your navigator.


  1. no more car sickness for silky hooray!

  2. 高い所や切り株、石何課の上には乗せたくなっちゃいます!おめめぱっちりのCOCOちゃんはやっぱり可愛くって余裕のモデルさんですが、トライッ子のシルクちゃんもトライ之精悍さより可愛らしさの勝った可愛い顔ですよね!方に顎乗せの甘えっぷりも可愛い!

  3. JINパパさん

  4. Topの写真を変えたんですね!可愛い。

  5. はなママさん
