We got new books from the library for you, daddy. “Blood” “Fight” woof, they sound brutal don’t they?
なぜかいつもマミーがダディの為に図書館で本を借りるんです。 村上春樹が好きだから、それ系を選んだら「面白くない」と。ならばと選んだこの2作。 COCO「ものすごく恐ろしい・・・」 シルキー「それなのに心を釘付けにしてしまう・・・」 というストーリーだそうです。 |
When mummy came back from the library she found her oven teddy bear glove by the door again. Silky had taken a kitchen cloth and a tea towel in the past few days and every time she was told off. So she decided to take the oven glove today. Silky, they are all the same to mummy, leave them alone.
図書館から帰ったら、久しぶりにテディベア鍋つかみが玄関に。 ここ数日、毎日家に帰ると布巾が玄関にあったので叱ったから、 今日は鍋つかみにしようとでも思ったのか? 「マミーは雷より怖いかも・・・」 |
When I was about to go out for my short walkies it started raining. And then we heard very loud thunder!! My ears were tense and I was staring at the window, terrified. On the other hand, Silky was quite relaxed. She was looking at the window like I was but maybe she was only wondering what the noise was.
Daddy, I don’t understand what Silky is scared of. When I am not scared she is scared and when I am she isn’t.
ダディ、あの雷はデッカかったで~。 (雷を何か大きい物体と思っているCOCO姫です) |
In the afternoon, someone ding-donged the door. It was Hairy D. He had been to Scotland to visit his wife’s family, and they got this VIOLETS thing for mummy and daddy. He said that this sweetie was a Scottish tradition.
午後、誰かがドアをピンポーン。近所のデイブさんがスコットランドのお土産をくれました。 アーモンドメレンゲのベースにバタークリームが乗っていて、それをチョコレートで コーティングしたお菓子。メッチャ美味しかったです! |
Mummy put one in front of us for this photo taken but then she put it back in the box. Why don’t you eat it, mummy? I wonder what it tastes like...Don’t worry daddy. I know I cannot eat it because it says “Chocolate”. Hmmm...It smelt yummy, though.
Anyway daddy, Hairy D said that it was the best to eat cold so the Violets are waiting for you in the fridge.
mmmm they sound good chocolate violets. i am sometimes afraid of thunder...