We went to London by choo-choo train on Saturday to see nanny Joan and granddaddy Mick, who had been to everywhere for 10 weeks on a huge cruise ship. Hmmm...it sounds exciting doesn’t it daddy? Can you take me on a world cruise one day? I wonder if they allow doggies though...they should do shouldn’t they?
We had lovely lunch lunch together and then, we got very fashionable gifts from nanny Joan. Thank you, nanny Joan!!
10週間のクルーズ旅行からジョーンお婆ちゃんと ミックお爺ちゃんが帰って来たよ! お土産は・・・ |
まず、サンフランシスコのフラワースカーフとヒラヒラ帽子 COCOにはCOCOカラーのピンク、 |
そしてシルキーにはシルキーカラーの黄色 ジョーンお婆ちゃんの手作りです。 クルーズ中、船内での手作り教室で作ってくれました。 |
The first one was pretty frilly flower power scarf and ribbon in pink for me, and in yellow for Silky from Sanfrancisco. How do we look? We must have looked very pretty because mummy was really over the moon when we wore them.
You mustn’t think this is it. We also got a Mexican costume and Costa Rica costume too, and they are all handmade by nanny Joan!!! I will show you these...maybe in a few days time. Don’t miss it!!
このショッキングピンクのバンダナはアラスカ土産。 |
もちろんシルキーにもお揃いで。 この他、手作りのメキシコ土産とコスタリカ土産もいただきました。 後日披露しますので、お見逃しなく! |
We got one more thing which was a pink doggie bandana from Alaska. They are eye-catching shocking pink and very confortable to wear.
アラスカ土産のバンダナを付けてテムズ川沿いサウスバンクを 歩きましょー! |
Silky and I decided to wear this bandana for our little walk along the river Themes. It was very busy there and quite a few people admired me and Silky as usual. We saw many performers, skateboarders, bikers and so on at South bank. It was very interesting place to go isn’t it daddy?
サウスバンクを歩くと色々なパフォーマーたちがいます。 以前はコベントガーデンでたくさん見かけたけれど、 数年前からこの辺に移動してきたみたいです。 |
ギターがとても上手でした。 |
若い男の子たちがスケートボードやBMXの技を披露 |
And then we walked under the railway which was an authorized graffiti place. some of the graffiti was artistic and good wasn’t it, daddy? I wonder if anyone could draw me like that. You know, using colourful spray and things with writing “Fashion Diva Coco”.
サウスバンクを外れて駅の高架下 ここはグラフィティアートが許可されてるエリアです。どんなのがあるのかな? |
誰かCOCOを描いて~! |
On Sunday, it was HOT!! We went to Staines by car to get daddy’s new gadget.
日曜日は車でダディのオモチャを買いに、アラスカ土産のバンダナをつけてお出かけ とっても暑い一日でした。「暑い!」と叫ぶシルキーに 「モデルたるもの、そんなことでどないする!」と渋い表情のCOCO |
ウチは暑くたって笑顔は忘れまへん! 暑さのあまり妙な関西弁になってます・・・。 |
Silky and I wore our Alaskan bandana and took photos here and there. You know, even in the hot weather you mustn’t forget being a professional model. So I was a bit shocked when Silky shouted “HOT!!” in the middle of the modelling.
ダディは新しいオモチャ(カーナビ)を買ってご満悦。 「方向感覚には自信がある!」と意地を張ってカーナビ購入を拒否し続けた数年。 この数年の犬連れの旅での苦い経験+夏のホリデー間近ということで やっと買う気になったんです。 |
We walked along the river to get to the little park where mummy and daddy had ice cream. Humans are lucky aren’t they?
家に到着後、どこかに消えたダディ。 どうやらカーナビでウハウハと遊びに行ったようです。 迷わず帰ってきたら良いけれど・・・ |
By the way mummy, where has daddy gone?
Mummy said that daddy had gone to play with his new gadget (Sat Nav) Dear dear...I am waiting for you for my evening walkies, daddy!! I hope he won't get lost.....
Wow what a terrific time you had this weekend! New clothes, traveling about!!! Lucky Silky and Coco!
うちの父ちゃんも同じように喜んでたのを思い出しました(^ー^* )フフ♪
ホント、フタリともぴったりな色ですものね(〃 ̄ー ̄〃)
「ドギー用 世界の衣装」って誰か売ったら儲かりそうですよね。